Rational: ex01

private data members, public constructors, integers from command line arguments, main methods, built in toString method, simple compilation/execution with javac/java


On website: https://ucsb-cs56-pconrad.github.io/tutorials/rational_ex01/

Part of a series of tutorial articles about a Rational class.

Code examples referred to on this page can be found here: https://github.com/UCSB-CS56-pconrad/cs56-rational-ex01


In this first article, we will first explain what the Rational class is supposed to do, i.e. provide an abstraction for a rational number.

We’ll then show some Java code with two classes: starter code for a Rational class, and a driver class

The code will be presented in a repository of source code (“repo”) for short that is stored using the git version control system, a free and open source software package for version control.

This git repo is hosted as open source on github.com, a commerical company (acquired by Microsoft in 2018) that provides cloud-based hosting for git repositories, plus other web-based tools for software development.

This lesson will not include a full discussion of git/github—just the briefest overview of the minimal information needed to make use of the code in this repo.

Rational.java: starter code for a Java class

The starting point Rational class that has the minimum we need to get started, mostly in “stub” form:

We’ll see that the built in toString() method is not of much use. In the next example, we’ll override it to make something more useful. (Note on overriding: See https://ucsb-cs56-pconrad.github.io/topics/java_overriding_vs_overloading/ )

Main.java: a sample “driver” class

We’ll also provide Java code for a “driver” class with amain method—one that illustrates how to invoke the constructor for the Rational class, and then invoke one or more of the methods of the object instance.

That main class will illustrate how to get simple integer parameters from the command line via the args parameter to main (the equivalent of argc/argv in C/C++).

Basic description of the Rational class

The Rational class provides an abstraction for a rational number, that is one that has an integer numerator, and a non-zero integer denominator. For a more formal definition, consult the Wikipedia article on Rational Numbers.

This tutorial will not try to motivate why we need a class for rational numbers. We will assume that there is some need to represent these in a program. We’ll assume that once some Java code has gotten input from somewhere for the numerator and denominator of two rational numbers, it needs to:

We’ll assume that instances of the class are immutable, i.e. we provide a way to construct objects, and getters for numerator and denominator, but no setters for numerator and denominator.

We’ll assume that when instances of Rational are constructed, that if there are any common factors between the numerator and denominator, they are factored out. That is, the rational is represented internally in reduced form, and the getters for numerator and denominator reflect this. Example:

We’ll assume the following rules for negative numbers:

We’ll also assume that, as a straightforward way of “outputting” rational numbers, a toString() method suffices, with these formatting rules:

We’ll leave the “quotient” of two rational numbers as a very straightforward programming exercise.

In the first few examples, not all of these rules may yet be in place. We’ll add those incrementally. Also, as we proceed through the examples, we may make additional assumptions, set additional goals, and/or place additional restrictions. Those will be noted in the tutorial that goes with each example.

Accessing the code from the github repo

The example code that supports this lesson is in a repository (“repo” for short) at this link:

A detailed discussion of git and github is a topic for a different tutorial; for this lesson, we’ll just go over the minimal information you need to get started with the code.

That will create a subdirectory containing the contents of the repo; cd into it and you can start working with the code.

For more detail, consult these articles: git, github.

What are each of the files?

Here’s a brief over view of each of the files in the repo, and their purpose.

Filename Purpose
.gitignore Tells git which files should be ignored when updating the repo (e.g. temporary files, executable files).
LICENSE Open Source repos often have a license in them that specifies the copyright and any restrictions placed on how the code may be used.
Main.java Java code for driver program; a class containing a main method.
README.md A file that describes the contents of the repo. The .md extension indicates that this is a Markdown file. Markdown is a format that allows us to create web content; it is similar to HTML, but has a simplified syntax.
Rational.java Java code for the Rational class

Simple compiling and executing with javac and java commands:

The following summary shows compiling and running the simplest possible way at a bash command line using plain old javac and java:

-bash-4.3$ ls
Main.java  Rational.java  README.md
-bash-4.3$ javac Main.java
-bash-4.3$ ls
Main.class  Main.java  Rational.class  Rational.java  README.md
-bash-4.3$ javac Rational.java
-bash-4.3$ ls
Main.class  Main.java  Rational.class  Rational.java  README.md
-bash-4.3$ java Main
Usage: java Main int denom
  int and denom should be integers; denom may not be zero.
-bash-4.3$ java Main 3 4
r1 = Rational@2a139a55
r2 = Rational@15db9742

You can also use javac *.java which compiles both files at once.

A few things to note:

Every class (directly or indirectly) extends Object

When we write public class Foo extends Bar { it signifies that Bar is the parent class of Foo, i.e. the Foo inherits from Bar.

If we write just public class Foo, unlike in C++ where that would signify that Foo has no parent class, in Java, any time we write this, it is the same as writing public class Foo extends java.lang.Object.


One implication of this is that nearly every instance of every class in Java has a public String toString() method, because:

The thing is, the toString() method we inherit from java.lang.String is seldom what we want.

For example, for a object of type Rational with numerator 4, and denominator 3, as the output of:

   System.out.println("r = " + r); // implicit r.toString()

We want to see:

r1 = 4/3

Instead, we get:

r1 = Rational@2a139a55

To fix this, we need to override the toString method. We’ll do this in the next article, Rational: ex02

On website: https://ucsb-cs56-pconrad.github.io/tutorials/rational_ex01/