creating private repos under an organization

for closed source class assignments

We use organizations such as to set up a space on where every repo that you create can automatically be seen by your instructors and TAs without you having to add them manually as collaborators.

Eventually, we’ll be able to do that on as well at the moment, out “academic discount” is running a bit late.

To create a private repo for a Java assignment on, follow this procedure.

Login to

For this assignment, be sure it is, and not

Then, select “create repository”.

If you have been added to the organization for the course (e.g. UCSB-CS56-F16), you should see that you can create the repository either:

The reason this is important is that creating the repo under the UCSB-CS56-F16 organization ensures that your instructors, mentors and TAs will be able to see it.

Choosing a name

Use EXACTLY that name, because that will be how your TAs find it to give you a grade.

If you don’t use the right letters, punctuation, capitalization, etc. it makes your TAs life more difficult. Your TA may therefore decide to make your life difficult by giving you a lower grade for “not following directions”. They will have my full support.

Filling in the rest

Then create the repo.