The language we are studying in CS56
Related topics:
- Java: Annotations—All about those funny @ things that precede methods
- Java: ArrayList to array—e.g. ArrayList<Integer> to int []
- Java: Codacy—A static analysis tool for Java
- Java: Command Line Arguments—how to the access contents of (String [] args)
- Java: == vs. .equals(), and hashCode()—the difference, and how to override .equals and .hashCode()
- Java: Garbage Collection—How and when does memory allocated on heap get reused?
- Java: Garbage Collection: Under the Hood—Can we peek under the hood at how garbage collection is done
- Java: HttpURLConnection—And HttpsURLConnection; a Java object for retrieving content from a URL
- Java: JAR files—Creating and using .jar files
- Java: JVM—The Java Virtual Machine
- Java: Lambda Expressions—Shorter, cleaner code using anonymous functions
- Java: Overriding vs. Overloading—The difference between these
- Java: Plaform Independent Newlines—\n isn't as portable as you might like
- Java: Sorting—Comparable, Comparators, and sorting ArrayLists and such
- Java: static analysis—Tools that analyze source code without running it
- Java: Streams in Java 8 —A whole new style of programming
- Java: Unchecked Operations—That message that says uses unchecked or unsafe operations. Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
- Java: Web Applications—Overview of various frameworks (Servlets, Spring, Apache Spark-Java)
- SparkJava: —A micro framework for creating web applications in Java 8 with minimal effort
- SparkJava: Authentication—login/logout, and securing various pages in your app
- SparkJava: Bootstrap—Adding a nicer looking UI, with common navigation, drop down menus, etc.
- SparkJava: Facebook API—Authenticate with Facebook, then access the Facebook API
- SparkJava: Getting Started—A more clear tutorial
- SparkJava: Github API—Authenticate with Github, then access the Github API
- SparkJava: Image Files—and any other static files your application needs
- SparkJava: MongoDB—Using the NoSQL database MongoDB with SparkJava
- SparkJava: pac4j—Securing a SparkJava webapp, with options for OAuth or LDAP
- SparkJava: RESTful APIs—Creating RESTful APIs with SparkJava
- SparkJava: SLF4J—What is the Simple Logging Framework For Java, and how to configure it
- SparkJava: Templates—The various template engines you can use with SparkJava