javadoc: publishing to github pages from a private repo

step-by-step instructions

Github offers convenient free web hosting via a service called “github pages” for sites that are

All you have to do is change some default settings in your repo. All of this works perfectly for javadoc… at least for public repos.

example of creating private repo

However, if our main repo is private, there’s a problem: you can’t publish to github pages from a private repo.

So, our solution will be to create a separate public repo, side-by-side with our private one. Here’s how to do it:

Step 1: Set up public repo

Set up a public repo with a name that is similar to, but different from the private repo. You might simply add javadoc into the name. For example, if our private repo is lab00_jgaucho, we’ll create a public repo lab00_javadoc_jgaucho (as shown in the example at right.)

The repo doesn’t need a .gitignore, but do give it a to make it easier to clone.


Step 2: Make master branch your Github pages source

Select master on dropdown

Next, we’ll set up the public repo to publish to the web.

This involves changing some settings in your repo.

(a) Find the settings tab at the top of your repo page.

(b) Click on it, and scroll down to the “GitHub Pages” section

(c) Click on the dropdown box under “Source” and select master as the branch for GitHub pages.

(d) Click “Save” and the page should reload.

Step 3: Test it out with some web content.

To see if it is working, we can put a small test file, hello.html in the public repo on the master branch.

Here is a minimalist (yet still 100% HTML 5 standards compliant) hello.html file. Create this in the master branch of the repo (you can do this directly in the interface by clicking on “Create File”, and copy/pasting in this content:


<!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>Test document</title>
  <h1>Hello, World!</h1>

Once you have committed this file your repo on the master branch, you should be able to navigate to this web address to see the content, as shown at right.

Now that we have a public repo set up properly to publish web content via Github Pages, we can set up our ant build.xml file to copy content into that repo.

Step 4: Clone the public repo as a sibling of the private repo

To simplify the steps of publishing, we’ll put the two repos side-by-side in the same parent directory. This side-by-side part is crucial, so read these instructions carefully

  • You need to clone them both in the same parent directory (e.g. ~/cs56, or /Users/JoGaucho/github, or whatever)
  • You should see the two directories/folders side by side in the same parent directory/folder
  • That way, we can use a relative path from with the private repo’s directory to access the public repo’s files, for example, ../lab00_javadoc_jgaucho as we demonstrate in the next step.

Here’s what that should look like.

-bash-4.3$ pwd
-bash-4.3$ ls
-bash-4.3$ git clone
Cloning into 'lab00_javadoc_jgaucho'...
remote: Counting objects: 6, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (4/4), done.
remote: Total 6 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (6/6), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
-bash-4.3$ ls
lab00_javadoc_jgaucho  lab00_jgaucho
-bash-4.3$ cd lab00_javadoc_jgaucho/
-bash-4.3$ git status
On branch master
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.
nothing to commit, working directory clean

Step 5: Modify javadoc target in private repo

In this step, we add a property definiton to your build.xml that defines a property called javadoc_dest.

Properties in ant build.xml files are similar to the assignments statements we see in Makefiles (e.g. CXX=g++ or CXX=clang)

Traditionally, property definitions are put at the top of the build.xml, indented just after the opening <project> tag. However, in the cs56-rational-example, at ex08/build.xml line 51, we see that we’ve added a property that is only used in the javadoc target immediately before the target. We’ll add our second property there. It will look like this. Note that you will have to replace `yourgithubid with your own*. I’m showing both the property you should already have, plus the new one.

  <property name="javadoc_path" location="javadoc"/>
  <property name="public_javadoc_path" location="../lab00-javadoc-yourgithubid/javadoc"/>

Now that we have this, we can modify our javadoc target as follows:


<target name="javadoc" depends="compile" description="generate javadoc">
      <fileset dir="javadoc" />
    <javadoc destdir="javadoc">
      <fileset dir="src" >
	<include name="*.java"/>
      <classpath refid="project.class.path" />
      <link href="" />          
      javadoc written to file://${javadoc_path}/index.html

We’ll make three changes:

  • We change the <link href=... to use https instead of http. Otherwise, links to the Oracle javadoc won’t load due to http/https conflict (unless you open them in another page).
  • We add one line to the echo task with a message that we are copying the javadoc to another directory
  • We add some additional lines after that to copy the files to that other directory, and then give a message that we need to push those changes to github.


<target name="javadoc" depends="compile" description="generate javadoc">
    <delete quiet="true">
      <fileset dir="javadoc" />
    <javadoc destdir="javadoc">
      <fileset dir="src" >
	      <include name="*.java"/>
      <classpath refid="project.class.path" />
      <link href="" />          
      javadoc written to file://${javadoc_path}/index.html                              
      copying to ${public_javadoc_path}/index.html                                      
    <delete quiet="true">                                                                        
      <fileset dir="${public_javadoc_path}" />                                          
    <mkdir dir="${public_javadoc_path}" />                                              
    <copy todir="${public_javadoc_path}">                                               
      <fileset dir="javadoc" />                                                                  
      javadoc copied to ${public_javadoc_path}/index.html                               
      TO PUBLISH: cd into that repo, then git add javadoc;                                       
        git commit -m "update javadoc"; git push origin master                               

Now, when we run ant javadoc, we should see that the javadoc is copied to the sibling public repo.

In that repo, if we do our usual workflow, we should be able to publish these changes online:

  git status
  git add javadoc
  git status
  git commit -m "update javadoc"
  git push origin master

Once you’ve done this, visit this link (modifying as needed) to see the published javadoc:

If you have difficulties, ask your mentor/TA/instructor during lab, or post questions to Piazza.