Parsing: (00) Some sample code to refer to

Some code you can run, compile, and consult as go through the tutorial

Acknowledgments: this series or articles is joint work, a collaboration between Kyle Dewey and Phill Conrad.

Some code

To ground all of the following discussion in some code, let’s start with a github repository that provides an example of the type of code we are talking about in this tutorial.

The following github repo contains an example of a program that evaluates arithmetic expressions:

Sample Output

Let’s look at a sample run of this program, so that you understand what kind of code we are trying to be able to write. You are encouraged to git clone this repo (or a fork of it) and experiment with it. As you read this tutorial, we may make reference to this code.

This program provides a “Read/Eval/Print Loop (REPL)” for evaluating integer expressions for the four main arithmetic operators: +,-,*,/, with / representing integer division as in C/C++/Java, the usual precedence and associativity rules, and parentheses (, ) for grouping.

The program will either evaluate the expression and return a result, or print an error message if the expression is not well-formed. Note that the usual precedence and associative rules are followed, so that:

So, here’s sample output.

-bash-4.3$ ant run
Buildfile: /cs/faculty/pconrad/github/UCSB-CS56-pconrad/ucsb-cs56-parsing-arithmetic-expressions/build.xml

    [mkdir] Created dir: /cs/faculty/pconrad/github/UCSB-CS56-pconrad/ucsb-cs56-parsing-arithmetic-expressions/build/classes
    [javac] Compiling 41 source files to /cs/faculty/pconrad/github/UCSB-CS56-pconrad/ucsb-cs56-parsing-arithmetic-expressions/build/classes

    [mkdir] Created dir: /cs/faculty/pconrad/github/UCSB-CS56-pconrad/ucsb-cs56-parsing-arithmetic-expressions/build/jar
      [jar] Building jar: /cs/faculty/pconrad/github/UCSB-CS56-pconrad/ucsb-cs56-parsing-arithmetic-expressions/build/jar/CS56Parser.jar

     [java] Enter expressions, or q to quit.
     [java] 4
2 + 3 * 5
     [java] 17
3 - 3 * 3 - 3
     [java] -9
5 ** 5
     [java] Failed to parse: Extra tokens at the end
3 == 4 
     [java] Failed to parse: Extra tokens at the end
4 4 +
     [java] Failed to parse: Extra tokens at the end
+ 4 4 
     [java] Failed to parse: Expected primary expression; got: PlusToken
     [java] -333
These are bad tokens
     [java] Failed to parse: Expected primary expression; got: ErrorToken(T)
4 + x
     [java] Failed to parse: Extra tokens at the end
x + 4
     [java] Failed to parse: Expected primary expression; got: ErrorToken(x)
foo + bar
     [java] Failed to parse: Expected primary expression; got: ErrorToken(f)

Total time: 1 minute 46 seconds

This repo is a “playground”, not the starting point for your assignment.

One more thing: the repo is here to be a “reusable” repo that corresponds to the text of this tutorial, which is also intended to be “reusable”, quarter-after-quarter. Note that if you have a programming assignment based on this repo, it may have starter code that is similar to this repo, but in a different place, and possibly with subtle but important differences.

So be sure to check your specific assignment for the proper starting point code. If you clone the repo and play with it, consider that a “playground” or a “sandbox” in which to try things out to learn about parsing, NOT as a place to work on code you are going to submit as part of your programming assignment.

For the proper starting point for your assignment, consult the lab instructions.